100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We at BEAUTY GLAM stand behind our products and work every day to offer our customers the best possible service.

If you are not satisfied with our products, you have the option of returning opened products to us within 30 days of delivery. Please note that we will not cover the delivery costs of your return. In order to be able to guarantee a quick processing, please send us an e-mail in advance hello@beautyglam.de with your name, your order number, the products you want to return and the reason for the return.

L.A.B. Cosmetics GmbH 
customer service
Order number:
Friesenweg 4, Haus 14
22763 Hamburg

As soon as we have received your return, we will refund you the amount. The refund will be made using the payment method you selected during purchase. Please keep your shipping information until this process is complete.
The following are excluded from returns:
  • Products that are part of a promotion that require a certain purchase value to be met
  • Test probes
  • Products that have been ordered repeatedly because we assume that you will be satisfied with the product if you buy it again
  • Products that appear to have been extensively tested or are empty